Tuesday, February 26, 2019


So I had promised a screen play/ script. However, I realized that I do not know how to properly write one thus ... GOOGLE.

This is what I am going to use for a reference:
However, I am not sure if this is the correct format. I think I am going to ask Mrs. Stocklosa, if this is a good template to base my screen play/ script off of. I started writing a little bit but, not enough to share with you guys. 

I also started my story board....Um, yeah. This project has also helped me discover that I am probably not the best artist. I usually use reference pictures but you can't use a reference picture when the image is in your head. I don't know... I think i am going to re-do what I have done so far because what I pictured is not being translated onto paper. However, I do think it would be achieved when filming. Anyways, we will find out. 

Here are the first few I have drawn: 

 In my previous blog  I listed out all the scenes:
This is the the opening shot. It is used as an establishing shot however, it is a mid- shot.  I choose this because the place of the crime isn't as important as the crime itself. This shot shows that the two characters at a party. In addition to this is shows there relationship, right off the bat. This is the most important aspect of this shot. THERE IS TRUST. This is conveyed through the proximity of the two characters. Furthermore, I want to include the opening credits in this shot. I thought it would be nice that the credits would move with the tempo of the music and the flashing of the party light s. Flash- directed by: ..., Flash- starring: .... OR I could make the shot a little longer in where the two characters are dancing. I think it would be cool to put in some type of salsa or something, something with a little more tempo so that the rhythm of the dancing, the movement of the shot and the credits all flow. I was thinking of maybe even trying a type of tracking shot but as they dance and with the ins and outs of this shot incorporate the credits in addition, to the flashing of the lights and the beat of the music. In other words, make it flow and look DOPE.

This is the twelfth shot in my previous blog post, I am unsure about this one. If it in incorporated, it has to be very quick, I think it would look very... idk mechanic. I think this would be decided when filming. For this shot I have to make sure the lighting is the same from the previous shots and make sure the girl character is still leaning against the wall and that is visible, so that it is not just a shot of a hand opening a door and it is cohesive. This is one of the ones I am debating on re- drawing, it doesn't capture my vision.

 This is the shot that comes before the previous shot, shot 11. Again, I drew this not in the angle I had previously pictured. It would be way more to the side and the audience would be able to see the hand, not to obvious but enough so that the two shots are cohesive and not awkward. (SIDE NOTE: totally unrelated to the card, but I put the story board on flash cards because I am so indecisive about the order of the shots)

 This is the second shot, as described on my previous blog. I really like this shot. However, I think if I do amend it to a tracking shot, this shot would just meld with the first one. Also, I don't know how I am going to incorporate the cup as they dance. I think what I might do is bring the cup into play when they are leaning against the door and in the POV shots of her, make them a little more shaky or even blurry.

                                                             This is the third shot, a close up between the boy and the girl, this was only included because I wanted to reinforce the relationship between the two characters, if it is incorporated. It is going to be quick. I think maybe that this could be the shot that comes after the tracking shot of the dancing. It would end like the first card depicts and then cut to this shot. Then from there to the conversation in the office with the college counselor.

   This is just me getting started, I can almost assure you that my story board is most likely going to be way clearer and easier to follow before film time comes. It is also going to be WAY, WAY LONGER. This was just a few shots that I wanted to discuss, I will post the completed story board and the completed script soon.

I have to go now.... talk to ya'll soon.

Monday, February 25, 2019

hiyaaa... so I want to talk a little bit about why I choose the specific scenes that I am thinking about. 

So the first shot as previously discussed is going to be  a mid- shot that shows the relationship between the girl and this guy. I want it to be portrayed that there is trust between both of them because I have found that about 61.9% of rapes are conducted by intimate partners.
  However, I want to amend my next shot to show a shot of her holding a cup, thus implying that she is impaired. I think this is essential to the message of the film because it shows that she was venerable to the attack. I found that Alcohol can impare your judgment and inhibit the ability to fight off an attacker. 
Then as planned I want to have a close up to again establish a relationship and enforce the idea that rape mostly occur by the people you know and trust...
As I was writing this, I got this idea that maybe I should change the order of  my shots, I think that maybe it should begin with a girl reporting her rape to a counselor at her college.( I found in my research that a majority of rapes that are reported to a college counselor are not reported to the police even though THEY ARE REQUIRED TO) And as she is telling him the story, she  is flashing back to scenes of the rape. This would help to not explicitly show the whole scene but still portray the same idea. I then want to end it with something like the counselor saying "it was your fault for drinking to much" or "are you sure you didn't give consent" or "you should have worn a longer skirt". 
This is similar to what happened in the documentary "hunting ground" except, when the girl reported she never even got a chance to tell her story, immediately they blamed her and asked her to look back at what she could have done differently. 

I think the order is now going to go something like this: 
Wait... I don't know if i should open it up with the same party scene and just put a voice memo over it. For example, "I was having such a good time and he seemed like such a good guy". In other words, the victim would be narrating her story or should I just let the images speak for themselves. I WISH I COULD DO LIKE A POLL OR SOMETHING :( 
For now I am going to stick with just the shots and if I change my mind later I could always just insert a voice memo. 

I am going to keep them real simple, just to get an idea of things, next blog I will go into more detail and even maybe even upload a script and story board ;0 

1. Mid-shot- girl and boy dancing close 
2. Close- up of girl and boy legs/hips.. you see a cup but it is not obvious 
3. Close-up of girl and boys faces... the proximity between them. 
4. More shots that show relationship/ having a good time ( maybe close- ups of their feet dancing, a few perspective shots that show the girl smiling or vise-versa.) 
5. You would hear the music kind of fade and then a voice saying "and then what happened?"
6. Shot of the victim talking "well then he leaned in to kiss me" 
7. maybe a perspective shot of her smiling(this implies the kiss already happened) or them kissing I don't know yet ( at party) 
8. Switches to show the college counselor saying "ok?"
9. Mid-shot, shows the college counselor talking to the victim from the side. 
10. Girl-"we continued to dance and I didn't notice it then but he slowly moved us toward the bathroom"
11. Shot of them leaning against the bathroom door ( long- shot) here we put a voice over as the action is happening so "before I knew it we where leaning against the bathroom door, he again leaned in to kiss me but this time he also went for the door handle".
12. close up of hand opening door 
13. mid- shot of girl giggling and stumbling into the bathroom as drink falls to the ground.
14. close-up of empty cup falling to the ground- an echoing sound 
14.close-up of girls face - sad ( in office) "umm .. then I stumbled into the bathroom, while we where still kissing and he shut the door".
15. (over the shoulder shot) showing college counselor. Showing reaction. 
16. "He proceeded to.. um unbutton my pants... then, I pushed him away and urged him to stop. However, he had such a tight grip on me, I couldn't move . He pinned me to the wall and...
17. Close up of girl tearing up 
18. Mid- shot of college counselor "how did you say no?"
19. Mid- shot of Girl crying "I told him to stop"... 
20. close up"how loud did you say it?" 
21. Girls reaction close- up 
22  close -up "how many times did you say it" (counselor)  
23. close-up "I don't now, enough times" (girl) 
24. close- up of bruises of wrists as she wipes her tears (girl )  
25. close-up  "what where you wearing, was it provocative in any way" ( counselor).. 
26. Close- up " I don't think so " (girl)
27.  Close- up "Do you know him" (counselor)
28.  Close- up "I met him at the party" (girl)
29. Mid- shot or close up I don't know yet "You don't know maybe he is going through a hard time" (counselor)
30. Look of shock on the girls face (close- up) 
31.  Close- up of feet and chair as it pulls out . Voice over " wait, sit down" 
32. Mid- shot that shows her grabbing her purse.  "wait, lets talk about this" 
33. Long- shot that shows her walking out the door " Don't report it to the police" 
34. Door slams shut. 

Stay tuned for, the final script, the story board and maybe even a little research/ discussion on costume design, setting and cast ;)

Sunday, February 24, 2019

 So I left you guys off with my plot idea about rape and sexual assault on a college campus.
So an outline of what I want my plot to look like is:

1. A girl is at a party dancing with a boy, the music is upbeat and fun. She is wearing a shiny short dress. The first shot is a mid- shot that shows the relationship between the girl and this guy ( close), with confidence.
2. The second shot is going to be a close up of both of them dancing, there is going to be a low, dim lighting aside from the party lights.
3. The third shot is going to be another up-close shot of his hand leading her to the bathroom.
4.The following shots would be quick paced and up-cloe shots that would portray them having a "make- out" session.
5.The next shot i haven't really figured out yet, but somehow portraying that he wants to go further and she says no.
6. The next shot would be a close up of her arm being held down by force
7. The next shot would be another close up of her face as he covers her mouth and tears are falling down her face.
8. From here this would switch to a similar close- up but of her mom crying.
9. The next is an establishing shot of the college
10. Next would be a mid- shot of her and her mom hugging.
11. the last shot would  be her walking into the college with all her stuff.

This is just a brief explanation of my vision thus far, I want to start with the end. This keeps the audience wondering what leads up to this moment. I got this idea from the show "Medici" Which i know has nothing to do with my genre but it started with the killing of one of the medici members and then started from the begging which kept me intrigued, wondering what caused this man to kill him. I would input an example, but I would have to input the whole show ( jajaja). Furthermore, I could not find the exact part.
The rape scene I want to do similar to the scene from " Psycho", in where they used close ups to show that she was getting murdered without actually showing any  extreme nudity or the knife pricing the skin. I will input an example underneath.

SO  what lead me to choose this topic, well as I previously mentioned I want to do something with meaning, something that affects  my daily life and the life of others. I also wanted to choose something that a lot of people do not know about of choose to ignore.
Here are some statistic found in my research:

-11.2% of all students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation (among all graduate and undergraduate students).

-Among graduate and professional students, 8.8% of females and 2.2% of males experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation

-Among undergraduate students, 23.1% of females and 5.4% of males experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation.

-4.2% of students have experienced stalking since entering college.

-Student or not, college-age adults are at high risk for sexual violence.

-About 1 in 6 college-aged female survivors received assistance from a victim services agency

-21% of TGQN (transgender, genderqueer, nonconforming) college students have been sexually assaulted, compared to 18% of non-TGQN females, and 4% of non-TGQN males.

 YELLO... its good to be back.
 So this blog post is supposed to be about me having this enlightening moment where my research lead me to finding my one true genre. I don't want to confuse you, its going to be about that, however, I have already limited it down to two and they are going to be very closely intertwined. The list I began with included:
-  Action
-ACTION- this was a viable option however, due to its genre characteristics such as stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. This is just not a tangible genre for me. HOW WOULD I FILM A CAR CHASE? HOW?
-ADVENTURE- I like adventure movies however they are usually closely intertwined with Action as there genre characteristics also include physical action. Furthermore, it usually has courageous heroes who save others from danger (women). Although, I could challenge this by making a women the hero. The action portion of this is just unrealistic.
-CRIME- This one is one of the ones I have narrowed it down to.  Crime  can be done is various different ways which is what i like about it, it can revolve around the action of a criminal mastermind or  revolve around the criminal himself, chronicling his story. Some Crime films will have a storyline that follows the criminal's victim, yet others follow the police or the person in pursuit of the criminal. I want to possibly do it in the perspective of the criminals victim.
-DRAMA- This is the genre I had previously researched and I really liked. I found that there was a lot of space to really to do whatever I wanted because they are  stories with settings or life situations that portray realistic characters in conflict.
-EPICS/HISTORICAL-   this one should have been eliminated from the begging to be honest. In my research I found that you have to stay authentic to the time period through the use of costume design and setting. This not only would be very expensive but very time consuming.
-HORROR-   honestly I personally don't like horror movies so I would not enjoy producing the film. This is in addition to having to use special affects or create some type of suspense, I feel like it would not be properly executed with the lack of technology accessible to me.
- MUSICAL/DANCE- This genre calls for choreographed dancing and composed songs. I feel like i would not be able to execute this genre because i don't have the skills to choreograph a dance or compose a song thus this genre would be eliminated.



but I really liked them both soon i decided to combine them.

Crime drama is one of the most enduring, popular genres, not just on TV but also novels, films and theatre. Its engaging narrative offers a space for debates about policing, criminality, gender, race and social and cultural values.
The following are key elements of the genre all of which can be seen as contributing to audience pleasures of watching crime dramas:
-Resolution to a mystery
-Question of morality
-Debates about innocent and guilt
 Key elements of Crime dramas
-Verisimilitude- audience can recognize the representations of ‘ordinary’ people in everyday environment
-Power struggles between divisions of the police; government and the police and the judiciary system and the police
 However, I do not want to do the typical crime drama that keys in on the crime committers, rather I want to focus on the victims.

So now that I have discussed the genre I want to do, I want to talk about my plot idea. I really want to bring attention to an issue that affects me or is going to affect me. As a result, my main idea is:

-Rape and sexual assault in college

Some of the examples that I found similar to what I want to do is "The accused". However, the plot of this is not the plot that I want do. I have been scouring the web trying to find a film with the sam plot but it does not exist, at least not to my knowledge. I believe maybe its because this topic makes people uncomfortable but i suppose the truth always does.
This film is about a young woman who suffers a brutal gang rape in a bar one night, a prosecutor assists in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

The other film i found which hit exactly what I want to cover is not in the same genre but I feel like is exactly what i was searching for. It is called the hunting ground, it is a documentary  about many college students who have been raped on campus face retaliation and harassment as they fight for justice.

Check out my next blog to get all the gritty details. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

HEY GUESSES... long time no, talk... no type?
During the past 2 weeks, my peers and I where assigned a task in where we had to build a band or an artist up solely dependent on a song. The song contained the genre thus the target audience and from this we worked up. The song we where given was "time is running out" and its genre was alternative rock, our target audience was males in the age range of 14- 21.

Our Music marketing campaign started with and was surrounded by an artist called "Damian Zane", he was proposed as an edgy, authentic, alternative up and coming star.

We used various social media platforms such as, twitter, Instagram and youtube to help market this star. In addition to, a website that contained his blogs and merchandise.
Twitter:  Twitter  usually has  over 271 million active users who tend to be younger, with 35% between the ages of 18 and 29. Although, this is not in our exact age range it covers a large number. Our twitter was composed of teasers, artsy, edgy quotes and allowed for Damian to connect with his fans, Because twitter has a lot of users and has been recently having a lot of exposure we believed this would be a perfect place to market our up and coming artist.

An example of our TWITTER:

 Facebook: Facebook usually has users that are adults and over the age of 35 thus not in our target range and unnecessary.

Instagram: Instagram has  200 million active users, 53% are between the ages of 18 and 29. Like twitter it docent cover all of our age range but majority of them. Here teasers would be posted and behind the scenes pictures too. Instagram would be similar to twitter. However, also have different content that would bring the audience to go look at it. For example, Damian's artsy and edgy photos.

An example of our INSTAGRAM feed:

Youtube: Youtube attracts all kind of ages and genders thus this was the prefect platform to introduce our music video. It covers all of our age range unlike, twitter, Instagram and Facebook.   However, we would not use it to to laugh our music videos but also music video tears and interviews with other platforms ect. 
Website and blog: I bunch these two together because the blog is on the website. However, they are two completely different marketing devices. The website is used as the mother board in where all of the artist social media accounts and upcoming events are accessible as well as background information on him and his team. The blog is used as a mechanism to establish a better connection with his audience, it allows for easy communication and connection without the safety risk. Furthermore, it allows for the artist to truly say how he is feeling without all the pressures of social media. This is his blog for his fans.


( Here isi the link so that you can see all the different aspects of the website, the blog and the merchandise) 
                       *** Side note: the link would be called Damian. Zane. However, that called for an upgrade and an up and coming artist dose not have that type of cash .. jajaj. 


STEP ONE:  The first part of our plan was to introduce the artist in a small bar, similar to a bar called "The house of blues".

STEP TWO: Then, we where going to  book the artist shows such as radio shows, late night and morning shows, that would gain him more exposure, similar to shows like "BBC 1 (radio show)", "Good Morning America", "The Late Late Show with James Corden" and "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon". All of theses shows targeted the audience we where searching for.

STEP THREE: The next step was for the artist to open up for a more famous artist at a show o festival such as "Coachella" or "Lollapalooza" and for a famous artists concert such as the "Red hot chili peppers" or "U2".

STEP FOUR: After the artist gains some type of fame, the artist will start a tour around the U.S after a year from their first appearance. The artist will perform in famous cities such as Seattle, Los Angeles, New York and Houston.

STEP FIVE: The last part of our plan is aimed towards one year, we believe the artist  could possibly make a collaboration with a video game company. Such as PlayStation, Xbox Or. Furthermore, we want the artist to also make collaborations with other artists. such as  "The 1975" and the  "Arctic Monkeys".

Prior to making all of these decisions my team and I went on a mission to research and find all the possible advice on the Alternative rock genre and what we found was: 
     The target audience ages 14- 21. I say this agin because this was one of the most important findings, it allowed us to gear our decisions properly. For example, the choosing of the social medias. Another finding, was the finding of  the gender, male. This allowed us to choose the proper venues and festivals. For example, the dive bars and regular bars such as house of blues. Another, very important stat was the genre, alternative rock. This helped us choose the proper radio station. For example, the one stated prior is manila focused on rock and alternative rock bands and singers, this was prefect because then is targeted not only our age range but fans of alternative rock. We also found that the main cities of rock were Seattle, Los Angeles, New York and Houston thus perfect places to preform. Furthermore, we also found that a majority of males in the age range of 14-21 play video games thus this was a perfect place to aim for in the future. 

A majority of the marketing creations were already featureD except for the most important, the music video. Sadly, I was unable to upload it because it was so large but you can see a teaser on the website in the link above. :( 

Throughout this project I have learned various things that will aid me in the creation of my portfolio project, like being more realistic and really sticking to the genre and its target audience. I have also learned to not use such similar settings to create a sense of more diversity. In our music video we used a lot of similar colors and dark shades, although we did the to stick with the genre. I have learned that possibly using different tones would have added more of a contrast that would have significantly improved our video.  Although this has nothing to do with my portfolio project, i learned that when presenting you have to be more engaging with the audience and really go in depth and explain the content.( I mean if you think about it, it could be associated with the portfolio project. A film opening has to be engaging and have significant meanings that makes the viewers "work for their food") 
  I REALLY ENJOYED DOING THIS PROJECT!!! It was super fun and helped me learn a lot. 

This is my Film opening ENJOY!!!!! 🤩😍