Sunday, March 3, 2019

OMGGG... I forgot to post today. Its 12:17 Sunday/ Monday. Today was pretty hectic. I had a cold for the past few weeks and all that congestion past into my ear thus EAR INFECTION. YAY. so I went to urgent care. That was fun. I even got a cool, blue bracelet with my name on it and a rad South African doctor. Anyways...
     I wanted to talk about was the peer review/ feedback idea thing we did in class. This was going to be my prior post but I was so frustrated that I forgot and decided to just rant and share my frustration.
    Honestly, the peer review was helpful in the sense that I got confirmation on my idea. In other words, they liked it. However, I didn't have many questions to present to them. The only feedback I got was about possible props in the background of the college counselor office and on my animated production intro thing.

     Props: So I though it would be ironic if I had posters in the background of the college counselor like, "I am here for you", "this is a safe space". Something that went totally against what was being portrayed in the scene. My question was, "Do I have to create the posters or can I just purchase them?". Their argument was that because they are props I could purchase them, which is fabulous because less work for me. I just have to add it to my list of future purchases.

       1. Party lights
       2. Costumes
       3. Posters ...

Animated intro: So initially, I wanted to have a cool intro that would introduce the production company. Similar, to the Pixar one, With the jumping lamp or just something other than just a logo, something with movement. They told me to gear away form any animation because of the time consumption and I was recommended two sights to use:
                      - Animaker ( the one I ended up using)
                     - Powtoon

Honestly, I think its because I am not the best at using technology but I had a super hard time trying to do what I wanted to do. This could also be because I wanted to do something so out of my technical abilities. Anyways, this is what I was saying in my prior post. I was unable to download the file unless I payed a monthly plan, so then I tried to upload it to youtube( this is what I spent 5 hours on). I had no idea how to do it... still don't. I tired googling it.. didn't work, maybe its because I am on internet explorer. Idk. I will keep you guys updated and post the intro if I am able to download it. I have to go take like 42536489 different medicines now. PEACE.

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This is my Film opening ENJOY!!!!! 🤩😍