Thursday, December 6, 2018

Representation... ft. an unorganized rant!?


   I am 16 years of age, I was born on July 19, 2002 thus making me apart of generation Z. Throughout every corner of media, generation Z is portrayed to be technologically obsessed teens who can not function without their cellphones. To some extent this may be true but its not just generation Z, its a majority of people who live on this planet. Take for example my family, my  76 year old grandma has Instagram  snapchat and is constantly sending me memes and videos through Whatsapp or my 45 year old mother who a majority of her marketing campaign for her company revolves around social media and ads. Even, my 1 year old sisters who spend there days lounging around and watching kids shows.
  The other day I was watching a film" duff", its about a  high-school senior Bianca, she  has a rude awakening when she learns that her classmates secretly know her as the DUFF -- designated ugly fat friend -- to her prettier and more popular pals. The film continues on as she changes herself to be accepted. In this film teens where portrayed as dramatic, hormonal, idiots who would change every aspect of who they are ignorer to fit in. This is an unfair representation of this group. I am not saying that there are no dramatic, hormonal, idiots, however, I am saying that there is such a small percentage of teens like this it is unfair to name them as such. They take this stereotype and take it to an extreme that is uncalled for, as if people above the age of 20 aren't engulfed in the technological realm of social media. I believe it unfair to portray teens as people who are so insecure and so obsessed with  technology that they can not even properly function. 
 However, this was not just seen in the film I watched but in this other film that took it to a whole extreme. The  film " Bennys video" this is about  a 14-year-old who murders another kid—and films the whole thing for posterity. OK.. WHAT! The fact that someone would make a film and portray teens as desensitized monsters who would kill people and film it. 
 I want to no just represent teens in my film but I want to represent female teens and their role with technology, social media and body image. I am going to work with the idea that a girl would reinvent her self in order to be deemed beautiful. However, remove the stereotype about the obsession with technology. Furthermore, I want to challenge the idea that only teens play a role in social media and technology. 

Data Base ... Historical Film?


A historical film is a film showing past events or set within a historical period. This extensive genre shares territory with the biopic, costume drama, heritage film, and epic film.

BIOPIC-These films depict and dramatize the life of an important historical personage (or group) from the past or present era. Sometimes, historical biopics stretch the truth and tell a life story with varying degrees of accuracy.

COSTUME DRAMA- a television or film production set in a particular historical period, in which the actors wear costumes typical of that period.
HERITAGE FILM- typically focuses on the relationships among a group of characters rather than on the destiny of a single character; and has a slow pace, a preference for dialogue over action, and an approach to mise-en-scène that exceeds motivations found in the narrative or that does not necessarily express characters' emotions.

EPIC FILM- Epic films are a style of filmmaking with large scale, sweeping scope, and spectacle. The usage of the term has shifted over time, sometimes designating a film genre and at other times simply synonymous with big budget filmmaking. Like epics in the classical literary sense it is often focused on a heroic charact

    Although there are many genres that fall under the umbrella of Historical films I am just going to focus on the border term of "historical films"...
                          HISTORICAL FILM CONVENTIONS 

-Relies on mise-en-scene 
-Romance is often central 
-often novel applications 
-Tend to have warmer color palettes 
-Usually during an important and recognizable time period . EX:  The world wars 


Like all films there are the basic production techniques very to similar to those in drama. Editing and camera work involves a Handheld camera, close ups, fast paced editing, shot reverse shot , POV, Eye-line Match. Sound involves a Non- diegetic emotional score music, Non-diegetic voiceover
protagonist, Diegetic Dialogue. Although, all of these play large role in the production of historical films the most important is the rise-en-scene. This is because it portrays the time period they are in and sets up the scene for the plot. For example, imagine watching a movie about the native americans and the pilgrims but they are dressed inn todays clothing, drinking from glass cups and cutting the turkey with an electric knife. 


 The film "Schindlers list" is a tear jerking film that takes place during world World War II,in where a Businessman Oskar Schindler protects his jewish workers from the SS  when they began exterminating Jews in the Krakow ghetto. This film in bodies my genre because it heavily relies on setting and costume to get the point of the period across. Furthermore, it is based on a novel which is a common convention for my genre. This film embodies a period of time and tells a story about that time and its people.

       #2. 12 YEARS A SLAVE
 The film "12 years a slave" is an emotional movie that takes place during  the years before the Civil War, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South. Then in the 12th year of the disheartening ordeal, a chance meeting with an abolitionist from Canada changes Solomon's life forever. This film embodies my genre because it take place during a specific time era, ignorer to convey this the movie relies heavily on setting and costume design. This movie takes from a time period that is very well known and talked about thus making it even more impactful.


This is my Film opening ENJOY!!!!! 🤩😍